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Consolidate and fight for the next thirty years

Post Date:2023.06.25 Time visited: 
On June 10, 2023, with bright sunshine and vitality, more than 20 management cadres and employee representatives from the Quzhou headquarters and five subsidiaries of Zhejiang Dongge Group Co., Ltd. visited our company to study and learn. Dongge Group has been starting its business for a full 30 years now. This time, companies from Zhejiang and Sichuan gathered together, and the cadres from both sides had face-to-face exchanges. Everyone gathered together to work hard for the next 30 years.
At the meeting, Ying Jun spoke on behalf of Hangzhou Wanlu Steel Co., Ltd., Zhang Lin on behalf of Zhejiang Dongge Group Co., Ltd., and Luo Jianqiao on behalf of Sichuan Dongge Technology Co., Ltd. Finally, Chairman Ying delivered an important speech. Firstly, he expressed his most heartfelt gratitude to the employees who have been working and have worked in Dongge for their hard work. He pointed out that the development of Dongge Group has been moderate in scale, and its development strategy has always been "stable", taking the path of healthy development and pursuing stability and long-term development. Next, we must continue to adhere to our development perspective, not blindly follow the trend, and take the path of high-quality development.
Dongge Group has always adhered to the talent concept of dedication, diligent communication, fulfilling responsibilities, having achievements, taking on responsibilities bravely, considering the overall situation, collaborating together, and valuing quality. We hope that all cadres and employees can inherit and carry forward these excellent spirits. The company will continue to lead everyone to unite and strive, become a sustainable development enterprise with customer trust, social respect, and talent aspirations, and achieve the ambitious goal of "forging a century old East Pavilion".
 Telephone:17858580110 Landline:0817-8860262
 Address:Hexi Industrial Zone, Xinzheng Town, Yilong County, Sichuan Province
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